One day last fall I desided to go for a ride out near my childhood home.this frist willow is in the swamp back of our farm.its a lovely tree and there use to be a house near it.but the DNR bull doozed the place and made a parking lot.
there is a old apple tree near the willow that has nice yellow apples on it in the fall.once in a while I go up to check to see if any are good to eat or make pies with.this year I was too late the deer eat them all.
This is along the river not too far from where I live its a nice drive and the hub and I use to drive down it to see if the big puff ball mushrooms where up.there was a place that had three big ones each year.but they were in someones yard.they are good eating but you have to know for sure they are the puff ball.
once long ago when my family and I moved to a farm to work.I found my frist puff ball to eat.
at first I thought it was one of the farmers kids
valliy ball.but when I checked it out it was a very large puff ball.I had heard they were good to eat so I picked it.they said it needed to be all white inside to I peeled off the skin and cut it with a was all white and so nice.soI made it for supper.
I cut it in slices like bread and fryed it in hubby at the time thought I was wacked,till I showed him the puff ball in my wild mushroom book.he tryed it then and so did the kids.they all thought it was so good.
one puff ball feed us all.sence then I have had others but they never stacked up to the frist was a answer to a prayer finding that one.and that one was the best yet.
this drive by the river also would help us see eagles as well.they love the big tree,s that hang over the water by the river bank.and if you go down early before the tree,s get their can see the eagles setting in the tree,s.
Hi Leann
Both of us are nature persons =)
God's creations are so unique.
hi dear audey; have a good day.:)
Hi Leann,
Nice memories. I like puff balls as well. Quite a few of them appear my the field and even yard in the fall. It looks like white bread, when sliced. Beautiful pictures, too. Thank you for sharing your fond memroies with us.
Blessings and Hugs,
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